Results for 'Kevin Teo Kia Choong'

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  1.  30
    On Joan Mellen In the Realm of the Senses.Kevin Teo Kia Choong - 2006 - Film-Philosophy 10 (1):78-82.
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    Joan Mellen (2004) In the Realm of the Senses.Kevin Teo Kia-Choong - 2006 - Film-Philosophy 10 (1):78-82.
    Joan Mellen In the Realm of the Senses London: British Film Institute ISBN: 1 8445 7034 7.
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    Is UNESCO’s Undergraduate Bioethics Integrated Curriculum (Medical) fit for purpose?Ilora G. Finlay, Kartina A. Choong & Seshagiri R. Nimmagadda - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):600-603.
    In 2017, UNESCO introduced an Undergraduate Bioethics Integrated Curriculum to be taught in Indian medical schools, with an implied suggestion that it could subsequently be rolled out to medical schools in UNESCO’s other member states. Its stated aim is to create ethical awareness from an early stage of a doctor’s training by infusing ethics instructions throughout the entire undergraduate medical syllabus. There are advantages to a standardised integrated curriculum where none existed. However, the curriculum as presently drafted risks failing to (...)
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  4. Re A (A Child) and the United Kingdom Code of Practice for the Diagnosis and Confirmation of Death: Should a Secular Construct of Death Override Religious Values in a Pluralistic Society?Mohamed Y. Rady & Kartina A. Choong - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (1):71-89.
    The determination of death by neurological criteria remains controversial scientifically, culturally, and legally, worldwide. In the United Kingdom, although the determination of death by neurological criteria is not legally codified, the Code of Practice of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges is customarily used for neurological death determination and treatment withdrawal. Unlike some states in the US, however, there are no provisions under the law requiring accommodation of and respect for residents' religious rights and commitments when secular conceptions of death (...)
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    Investigating the Associations of Constructivist Beliefs and Classroom Climate on Teachers' Self-Efficacy Among Australian Secondary Mathematics Teachers.Fang Guangbao & Teo Timothy - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study examines the associations of constructivist beliefs and classroom climate on teachers' self-efficacy in instruction, classroom management, and student engagement among Australian secondary mathematics teachers. To do this, it uses the integrated model of teachers' self-efficacy with the concept of analysis of teaching tasks. The study uses structural equation modeling to analyze data from 495 mathematics teachers in the Teaching and Learning International Survey 2013. The results reveal the integrated model is a valid theoretical framework to explain Australian secondary (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Is the adoption of more efficient strategies of organ procurement the answer to persistent organ shortage in transplantation?Bernard Tea & Bernard Teo - 1992 - Bioethics 6 (2):113-139.
  7. Introduction “Well, I'm Afraid It's About to Happen Again”.Robert Arp & Kevin S. Decker - 2013 - In Robert Arp & Kevin S. Decker, The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy: Respect My Philosophah! Wiley.
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  8. Complexity and the rise of distributed control in operations management.Arash Azadegan & Kevin J. Dooley - 2011 - In Peter Allen, Steve Maguire & Bill McKelvey, The Sage Handbook of Complexity and Management. Sage Publications. pp. 418--435.
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    Problem Spaces in Real-World Science: What are They and How Do Scientists Search Them?Lisa M. Baker & Kevin Dunbar - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 21--22.
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    On the Virtues.Jean Capreolus, Kevin White & Romanus Cessario - 2001 - CUA Press.
    The selection from Capreolus's work represented in this translation shows him defending Aquinas's conclusions on faith, hope, charity, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the virtues against such adversaries.
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  11. Cultivation: Art and Aesthetics in Everyday Life.Kevin Melchionne - 1995 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    Cultivation: Art and Aesthetics in Everyday Life is an inquiry into everyday practices with an aesthetic dimension such as collecting, walking and domestic life. I examine the implications of a critical engagement with these practices for philosophical aesthetics and cultural studies. Traditional aesthetic theory has been informed by a fine arts model of creativity and aesthetic experience and, thus, has not adequately treated everyday aesthetic life. The rapidly expanding field of contemporary cultural studies, on the other hand, has been marked (...)
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    Does “Faith” in Science Correlate with Indicators of Well-Being?Anondah Saide, Kevin McCaffree & Rebekah Richert - 2021 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 21 (1-2):178-199.
    Religion has long been theorized to serve important functions for societies and individuals; specifically, as a source of knowledge about what is real and as a source of norms prescribing how individuals should behave. However, science and scientists appear to be playing an increasingly large role in public discourse. A majority of adults in the U.S. report interest in science and an increasing number are obtaining degrees in the sciences – more so among males than females. As a result, we (...)
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    The Many Liberalisms of Serge Audier.Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins & Kevin Brookes - 2018 - Journal of the History of Ideas 79 (1):45-63.
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    Variations on Truth: Approaches in Contemporary Phenomenology.Pol Vandevelde & Kevin Hermberg (eds.) - 2011 - Continuum.
    Bringing together leading scholars from across the world, this is a comprehensive survey of the latest phenomenological research into the perennial philosophical problem of ‘truth'.Starting with an historical introduction chronicling the variations on truth at play in the Phenomenological tradition, the book explores how Husserl's methodology equips us with the tools to thoroughly explore notions of truth, reality and knowledge. From these foundations, the book goes on to explore and extend the range of approaches that contemporary phenomenological research opens up (...)
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    Peter C. Wilcox, S.T.D.: John Henry Newman: Spiritual Director (1845–1890). [REVIEW]Kevin Mongrain - 2014 - Newman Studies Journal 11 (2):60-62.
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  16. Reuter, Kevin; Phillips, Dustin; Sytsma, Justin (2014). Hallucinating pain. In: Sytsma, Justin. Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Mind. London: Bloomsbury Academic, n/a.Kevin Reuter, Dustin Phillips & Justin Sytsma (eds.) - 2014
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    Comments on Kevin Morris’ “The Exclusion Problem, without the Exclusion Principle”.Kevin W. Sharpe - 2014 - Southwest Philosophy Review 30 (2):79-83.
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    Corporate charitable contributions: business award winners' giving behaviors.Choong-Yuel Yoo & Jinhan Pae - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (1):25-44.
    We investigate corporate giving behaviors of prestigious business award winners in Korea. In particular, we examine whether firms strategically use corporate giving to enhance corporate reputation. We find that award winners generally make more charitable contributions than nonwinners prior to winning awards and maintain significant charitable contributions after winning awards; multiple award winners make even more charitable contributions than single-award winners; and an increase in charitable contributions does not raise the probability of winning awards in the year after the increase. (...)
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  19.  53
    The critique of psychology: from Kant to postcolonial theory.Thomas Teo - 2005 - New York: Springer.
  20.  32
    The prajñāpāramitā in Relation to the Three Samādhis.Yoke Meei Choong - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (4):727-756.
    The idea that insight is by nature incompatible with concentration has been a long-term focus of scholarly discussion regarding the interpretation of some sūtra passages that could suggest the occurrence of insight within concentration. In the Prajñāpāramitā literature, the set of three samādhis is identified with insight, the prajñāpāramitā. Some scholars identify the experience of emptiness in these samādhis with a state of concentration, very likely the absorption of extinction. I highlight elsewhere a passage in the Prajñāpāramitā in which preceding (...)
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    Mantık terimleri sözlüǧü.Teo Grünberg & Adnan Onart - 2003 - Türk Dil Kurumu Yay Nlar.
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    Deligny et les cartes.Béatrice Han Kia-Ki - 2006 - Multitudes 1 (1):185-192.
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    Heideggers erläuterung der hölderlinschen dichtung: Die verwandlung Des biographischen im gedichteten.Choong-Su Han - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (144):497-511.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die vorliegende Arbeit unternimmt den Versuch, zu erklären, was Heidegger mit dem Ausdruck “die Verwandlung des Biographischen im Gedichteten” bei seiner Erläuterung der Hölderlinschen Hymne Andenken meint. Viele Literaturwissenschaftler interessieren sich für das Entstehungsdatum der Hymne und die damaligen Erlebnisse Hölderlins, um daraus die Hymne zu interpretieren. Im Vergleich mit ihnen richtet Heidegger wenig sein Augenmerk darauf, weil er glaubt, dass das Biographische des Dichters unmittelbar nichts mit dem Inhalt des Gedichtes zu tun hat. Bei der Dichtung geschieht Heidegger (...)
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    Heideggers Rezeption des Taoismus: Die Notwendigkeit des Unnötigen in der Leistungsgesellschaft.Choong-Su Han - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (138):509-520.
    in German Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich zwei Schriften Heideggers, die bisher kaum untersucht worden sind, nämlich Die Einzigkeit des Dichters und Abendgespräch in einem Kriegsgefangenenlager in Rußland zwischen einem Jüngeren und einem Älteren. Diese Schriften sind vor allem insofern bemerkenswert, als der taoistische Gedanke der Notwendigkeit des Unnötigen in ihrem Zentrum steht. Heideggers Rezeption dieses Gedankens ist, wie im vorliegenden Beitrag gezeigt wird, aber keine bloße Aufnahme, sondern vielmehr eine schöpferische Aneignung des ostasiatischen Gedankengutes für sein eigenes Seinsdenken. Zunächst (...)
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  25. Zarathustras Schlaf und der Wiederkunftsgedanke : zur zweiten Hälfte der Vorrede.Choong-Su Han - 2014 - In Murat Ates, Nietzsches Zarathustra auslegen: Thesen, Positionen und Entfaltungen zu "Also sprach Zarathustra" von Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Marburg: Tectum.
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  26. Kevin Kelly, Oliver Schulte, Vincent Hendricks.Kevin Kelly - unknown
    Philosophical logicians proposing theories of rational belief revision have had little to say about whether their proposals assist or impede the agent's ability to reliably arrive at the truth as his beliefs change through time. On the other hand, reliability is the central concern of formal learning theory. In this paper we investigate the belief revision theory of Alchourron, Gardenfors and Makinson from a learning theoretic point of view.
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  27. L'Esprit Synthétique de la Chine.L. Kia-Hway - 1961
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  28. Kevin Kubotas Lighting Notebook: 101 Lighting Styles and Setups for Digital Photographers.Kevin Kubota - 2011 - Wiley.
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    The Configuration of Chinese Reasoning.Liou Kia-Hway & Nora McKeon - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (49):66-96.
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    A perspective on experimental findings and theoretical explanations of novel dynamics at free surface and in freestanding thin films of polystyrene.Kia L. Ngai, Daniele Prevosto & Simone Capaccioli - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (7-9):854-869.
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  31. Logiczny charakter metafizyki. Onto-teo - 1998 - Principia 20.
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    “인공지능은 인문학이다”: 구성적 정보 철학적 관점에서.Choong-Shik Park - 2019 - Philosophical Investigation 56 (null):181-212.
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    Ontology, Missiology, and the Travail of Christian Doctrine: A Conversation with Kevin Hector’s Theology without Metaphysics.Kevin J. Vanhoozer - 2013 - Journal of Analytic Theology 1:108-119.
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    Ethical Considerations of Whole-Eye Transplantation.Kia M. Washington, Gerard Magill, Mario G. Solari, Joel S. Schuman, Maxine R. Miller, Yang Li, Chiaki Komatsu, Edward H. Davidson & Wesley N. Sivak - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (1):64-67.
    Whole eye transplantation (WET) remains experimental. Long presumed impossible, recent scientific advances regarding WET suggest that it may become a clinical reality. However, the ethical implications of WET as an experimental therapeutic strategy remain largely unexplored. This article evaluates the ethical considerations surrounding WET as an emerging experimental treatment for vision loss. A thorough review of published literature pertaining to WET was performed; ethical issues were identified during review of the articles.
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    Book Symposium: Kevin Krein’s Philosophy and Nature Sports.Kevin Krein, Jim Parry, Irena Martínková, Gunnar Breivik & Rebekah Humphreys - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (2):240-274.
    This is a book symposium on Kevin Krein’s Philosophy and Nature Sports. Gunnar Breivik, Jim Parry and Irena Martínková, and Rebekah Humphreys provide critical commentary on the text. The critical comments are followed by a response from Krein. The discussion covers a broad range of topics. These include the definition of “sport,” comparisons between nature sports and friluftsliv, the role of risk in nature sports, the experience of flow and the sublime in nature sports, and the understanding of nature. (...)
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    ‘It all begins with a teacher’: A multimodal critical discourse analysis of Singapore’s teacher recruitment videos.Peter Teo - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (3):330-348.
    This study focuses on a series of videos aimed at teacher recruitment in Singapore and how they are used as an ideological tool for persuasion. By adopting a multimodal critical discourse analysis approach to focus on affect, it examines how these videos create and promulgate the ideology of an ideal teacher as one who is caring, encouraging and supportive of students. The analysis shows how affect is not only embodied in and performed by the primary protagonists in the video narratives (...)
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    An Elucidation of the Citation from Hölderlin’s Poem “The Journey” in Heidegger’s Essay “The Origin of the Work of Art”.Choong-Su Han - 2023 - Kritike 16 (3):172-179.
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  38. The Bases of Democracy in China.Kia-Lok Yen - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 28 (2):197-219.
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    The Philosophy of Wang Yang-MingWang Yang-Ming Frederick Goodrich Henke.Kia-Lok Yen - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 27 (2):241-244.
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    A comparison of the Chinese and P?li Sa?yukta/Sa?yuttas on the Venerable Mah?-Maudgaly?yana.Mun-Keat Choong - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 34 (1):67-84.
    This article first examines the textual structure of the Maudgaly?yana Sa?yukta of the Chinese Sa?yukt?gama in conjunction with its P?li parallel. Then it compares the main teachings contained in the two versions. It reveals similarities but also differences in both structure and content.
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    Beiträge der Heideggerschen Philosophie zum Maschinenzeitalter.Choong-Su Han - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 21:97-104.
    Living in “the Machine Age” (dem Maschinenzeitalter), we can not avoid asking ourselves, whether every one of us lives as "a Part" (ein Bestand) in the world much like a cog in “a Machine” (einer Maschine). Heidegger made this concept clear by his phenomenology. In addition, he regarded a human being as a special Part, that could transform all beings into Parts. In order to overcome this dangerous situation, namely, "the Desolation of the Being" (dieSeinsverlassenheit), he considers deeper at “the (...)
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    (1 other version)Baromètre et thermomètre : des instruments pour une genèse du corps autistique.Béatrice Han Kia-Ki - 2006 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2 (2):265-275.
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  43. Heidegger and a Bridge.Choong-Su Han - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (5):412-418.
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    Heidegger a most.Choong-Su Han - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (5).
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    Now-time image-space: temporalization of politics in Walter Benjamin's philosophy of history and art.Kia Lindroos - 1998 - Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä.
    Lindroos constructs an alternative interpretation on history, time, politics and art, approached through the moment of the Now (Jetztzeit). In the first section, she elaborates the critique of chronologic-linear way of understanding history. Through a close reading of Benjamin's "Work of Art" essay, the second section examines the problems of origins, authenticity and traditions of art through the ideas of artistic avant-garde and politicization of aesthetics. The end of the book discusses the concept of image and the new images as (...)
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    Scattering community: Benjamin on experience, narrative and history.Kia Lindroos - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (6):19-41.
    In discussing the cultural history of the 19th century, Walter Benjamin diagnosed the emergence of the modern novel and its form of narration as the sign of a fracturing experience. The split in experience is related to the scattering of a homogeneous idea of space and time, constituted especially during the Enlightenment and in the German historicism. Benjamin's claim reflected the fracturing temporality of modern communities as well as the transformations in the understanding of the meaning of tradition. Here, I (...)
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  47. City Sense and City Design: Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch.Kevin Lynch - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Kevin Lynch's books are the classic underpinnings of modern urban planning and design, yet they are only a part of his rich legacy of ideas about human purposes and values in built form. City Sense and City Design brings together Lynch's remaining work, including professional design and planning projects that show how he translated many of his ideas and theories into practice. An invaluable sourcebook of design knowledge, City Sense and City Design completes the record of one of the (...)
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    Commentary on End-of-Life Decision-Making in Singapore: Best Interest Conflicting with Surrogate Decision-Making.Teo Tse Yean & Devanand Anantham - 2015 - Asian Bioethics Review 7 (4):394-401.
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    Carnap and Kuhn: Arch Enemies or Close Allies?Teo Grunberg & Giirol Irzik - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (3):285-307.
    We compare Carnap's and Kuhn's views on science. Although there are important differences between them, the similarities are striking. The basis for the latter is a pragmatically oriented semantic conventionalist picture of science, which suggests that the view that post-positivist philosophy of science constitutes a radical revolution which has no interesting affinities with logical positivism must be seriously mistaken.
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    Self-responsibility in existentialism and buddhism.Wesley K. H. Teo - 1973 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (2):80 - 91.
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